President Donald J. Trump is still the President of the USA until December 12, 2020 when congress certifies that Joe Biden legally won the election. So at this time Joe Biden (IS NOT) I repeat (IS NOT) the 46th president of the USA. President President Donald J. Trump, his team and military (WATERMARKED) all the ballots with tracking and a way to know if the ballots are real or not. This is a (STING OPERATION) and Sleepy Joe has no idea what's going on along with all the other LEFT WINGS. "LET US ALL PRAY FOR President Donald J. Trump as he works on recounting the ballots and finding which ones are real and which ones are fake

If I were President Donald J. Trump I would demand a full (REVOTE) with certified people watching all voting booths to eliminate corruption

Also President Trump is very tired from running the USA in these terrible times, he has had over 85 death threats towards him and his family and dealing with all these Left Wing crazies. I am not 100% sure President Trump wants to run another 4 year term ...