Beluga Lake Homer Alaska by Robert Swetz 9/1/2016
Robert Swetz would love to have a pilots license in Alaska
With all the airplanes in the state of Alaska and all the pilots that use their airplanes for business and tour guides and pleasure, Vegas Bob would love to have a pilots license.
It is so much easier to obtain a pilots license in Alaska vs in The Lower 48 so the thought has crossed Vegas Bob's mind many times.
With all the vast land of Alaska it would be totally amazing to be able to fly to areas that cars and boats can't travel to.
The land mass of Alaska is so large that it would take approx 3 states of Texas to fill it, and Texas is a large state. I do remember locals talking about how much of the state of Alaska can be seen by car, boat, airplane, dog sleds and snow machines. And there is a very small percentage of Alaska that can be viewed by a vehicle.
So just another reason that Robert Swetz would love to have a pilots license in Alaska ... ;o)
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