Friday, February 24, 2012

Is GOOGLE everything it's cracked up to be? ... (NO)!

Is GOOGLE everything it's cracked up to be? ... (NO)!

Well for many years now I thought that GOOGLE was the "Super Power" of the World Wide Web, only to find out their not much different then the rest of them ... Yahoo, MSN, Google ...

"What Ever"

It looks like even GOOGLE is feeling the Crunch of the Downed Economy and cutting back.
I have 2 YouTube Accounts that are connected to GOOGLE with AdSense. AdSense is a way to create income from the views of a YouTube members accounts on their videos.
Well I have over 700,000 views at my YouTube accounts and have never made one cent off this AdSense Garbage. In fact it's almost impossible to even set up a AdSense account, I have tried many times with no success.
I just received a email from GOOGLE today stating that they are going to terminate my AdSense account, "Big Deal" it doesn't work anyway, it's all a bunch of Hype.
I will continue to use my YouTube accounts, GOOGLE+ accounts & Gmail. I am very disappointed with GOOGLE and they are no different and or any more special then the rest of them.

Robert (Vegas Bob) Swetz

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